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10th printing

Item code: TSR2016
Type: Core Rules
Release: 1983
Author: E. Gary Gygax
Project Coordinator: Marlene Weigel
Design Consultant: Jeff Grubb
Cover Art: Jeff Easley
Interior Illustrations: Jim Holloway
Harry Quinn
David C. Sutherland III
Larry Elmore
Format: Hardcover book
160 pages
Rarity: Common
Print Runs: 1st (1983)
2nd (?)
3rd (?)
4th (?)
5th (?)
6th (?)
7th (?)
8th (?)
9th (8?)
→ 10th (October 1987)
11th (?)
12th (July 1989)
Value@NrMint: $9
ISBN: 0-88038 031-4
Price: $15.00
Weight: 625 grams
Dimensions: Width: 22 cm;
Height: 28 cm;
Depth: 1,2 cm

Collectors arcana: This item was not released in shrink wrap.

"'the most complete alphabetical listing and description of the latest AD&D game creatures'

A must for the serious AD&D™ game player. This manual contains all the new members, from Abishai to Zygom, including new creatures like the Deadly Pudding, Devas, and Valley Elves. And you'll also have the advantage of the expanded lists of lycanthropes, giants, and other beasts."
Printing information

1st to 12th Printing: Currently little is known, except that the covers all look identical and the printing information is only given for the late printings. If you found out something new, please submit your information.

1st printing: 1983
2nd printing: ?
3rd printing: ?
4th printing: ?
5th printing: ?
6th printing: ?
7th printing: ?
8th printing: ?
9th printing: ?
10th printing: October 1987
11th printing: ?
12th printing: July 1989

(see picture on top of page)
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Impressum (Imprint)