Wee Warriors; The Vanquished Foe


This is another stand alone table top board game for Dwarf vs. Orc battles. This game clearly mentions elements from Wee Warriors original D&D adventure series called Dungeon Masters Kits. This makes this stand alone board game particularly interesting and collectible.

"Journey now....into the hills of the vast mountain range on the island of Baylor. Talk is that, once more, the bands of Mor Toc, the leader of the Ten Orc Tribes (they don't know when to quit) have been seen roaming the land. Once badly beaten by King Arman, (the fellow with the daughter the Vampire Queen got) they were thought to have fled the island. Not so! Once more it seems their blood lust has drawn them into contact with the peoples of Baylor.
While all around make ready, in a little-used hallway there can heard the faint scraping of iron against rock. And in that hallway.....A wall begins to crumble."

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The Vanquished Foe
Game type Table top board type
Judy and Pete Kerestan
Cover Artist Morno
Publishing Year
Extremely rare

Full sized, Mini maps for pre-planning, four main map sections, counter sheets for characters, counter sheets for terrain features (traps and such)
Cover Price



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Impressum (Imprint)