



Chain-mail was the official newszine of Dragonslayers Unlimited, a nation-wide role playing game club. In 1992, Dragonslayers Unlimited was the nation's only RPGA and Gen Con accredited PBM and role-playing gaming club. Issue #16 contains articles on quite a few different topics. There is a colorful description of two new magic items in Moribund's Marvelous Magic... there is a further history of the land of Crimsonvale in an ongoing collaborative effort, as well as details of a specific location therein... there is an article on playing an RPG with a humorous twist... and much more. Included is a letter from the Office of the Secretary / Treasurer from 1992 with a description of the club's involvement with the RPGA and membership benefits.

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Image and information courtesy of Rhea Shelley
Title Chain-mail  
Total # of issues n/a
Years in print n/a
Publisher Dragonslayers Unlimited
Frequency Extremely rare
Value@NrMint n/a
Chain-Mail, Issue #16, March/April 1991


Impressum (Imprint)